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Version: XState v5

History states

A history state is a special type of state (a pseudostate) that remembers the last child state that was active before its parent state is exited. When a transition from outside the parent state targets a history state, the remembered child state is entered.

This allows machines to "remember" where they left off when exiting and reentering a parent state.

  • If no child state remembered, history goes to .target state, if it is specified
  • Otherwise, go to initial state

A history state returns the parent state to its most recently active child state. The box with an H inside represents the history state.

The history state can be deep or shallow:

  • A shallow history state remembers the immediate child’s state.
  • A deep history state remembers the deepest active state or states inside its child states.
const checkoutMachine = createMachine({
// ...
states: {
payment: {
initial: 'card',
states: {
card: {},
paypal: {},
hist: { type: 'history' },
address: {
on: {
back: {
target: 'payment.hist',

Using history states in Stately Studio

Make a state a history state

First, select the state you want to set as a history state for the parent state. Then…

Using the quick actions menu

  1. Right-click the state to bring up the quick actions menu.
  2. Choose History from the Type options.

Using the State details panel

  1. Select the state you want to set as the final state.
  2. Open the State details panel from the right tool menu.
  3. Choose History from the Type dropdown menu.
  4. Use the History toggle that appears when the state has a History Type to choose between Shallow and Deep history options.

A history state is a special type of state (a pseudostate) that remembers the last child state that was active before its parent state is exited. When a transition from outside the parent state targets a history state, the remembered child state is entered.

Essentially, this allows statecharts to "remember" where they left off when exiting and reentering a state.

  • If no child state remembered, history goes to .target state, if it is specified
  • Otherwise, go to initial state

Shallow vs. deep history

  • Shallow history states only remember the last active direct child state.
  • Deep history states remember all active descendant states.

History target

  • Normally, history states target the most recent child state of its parent state
  • If the history state is entered but the parent state was never visited, the parent's initial state is entered.
  • However, you can add a target: 'childKey' to specify the default child state that should be entered


Coming soon


Create a history state (shallow by default)

const machine = createMachine({
// ...
states: {
hist: { type: 'history' },
firstState: {},
someState: {},
anotherState: {},

Create a deep history state

const machine = createMachine({
// ...
states: {
hist: {
type: 'history',
history: 'deep',
firstState: {},
someState: {},
anotherState: {},

Create a history state with a target

const machine = createMachine({
// ...
initialState: 'firstState',
states: {
hist: {
type: 'history',
target: 'someState',
firstState: {},
someState: {},
anotherState: {},